Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You know it will be a great day when...

You wake up, check the traps you set yesterday, and find:


Anonymous said...

Careful Rob. Those kids protesting outside of Ungar Furs will show up at your place!

Anonymous said...

Dinner's ready!

OregonGuy said...

Less fun than my dad's method:

Uncover mound.

Grab can of beer and a lawn chair.

Grab twelve-guage.


I am Coyote said...

Wow... All the time I spent down there I never saw one of those. Yeesh they are UGLY.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's not ugly. He's a miracle of evolution. Check out those diggin' feet.

MAX Redline said...

Ah, a Townsend's. Usually, their runs are less than a foot down. What sort of trap did you use? I've had good luck in the past with the noose setup, although I have had some luck as well with the method described by OG.

MAX Redline said...

Oh, sorry - upon closer view, it appears that your trap is in the photo. Never had any luck with that type.

Mike Francis said...

XMen: Origins of Shrewman.

He led a peaceful life, digging beneath the earth, until a human dug him up, hoisted him into the sunlight, took his picture and exposed his humiliation to a worldwide audience.

Now he's out for payback.