Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Columbia Riverkeepers consorts with terrorists

Over at NWRepublican there's a shocking post showing a connection between Columbia Riverkeepers, a local enviro group that opposes any productive use of the river, and convicted enviro-terrorists.

The connection is informal, to be sure, but it is a connection nonetheless. Which brings up the important questions:

The head of Columbia Riverkeepers, Brent Foster, is closely associated with the Democrat power structure in Oregon. He is a pal of Gov. Kulongoski, and also of soon-to-be Attorney General John Kroger.

Why do our statewide officials hang out with (and support the policies of) people who associate with terrorists? Why does a group like Columbia RiverKeepers even have a shred of credibility?

People should start asking both Kulongoski and Kroger (as well as any other pol who hangs out with Foster) why they associate with a friend of terrorists.


Anonymous said...

Rob, Isn't that the longtime dirty secret of the environmental movement? Act like a responsible organization while supporting the irresponsible elements.

A major key to the success of mainstream environmentalists has been there ability to fool the public. Talk of compromise and working with the opposition is merely a cover while the dirty work gets done by the young and foolish.

Over the years nearly every compromise agreement has been undermined by the more radical elements with the implied approval of the "mainstream" elements. The result has been devastating for Oregon families.

As you say, it is time to unmask these impostors and expose them for the radicals they are. Sleepy Ted should answer for these insidious associations.

Steve Plunk

Anonymous said...

I think it's fair to say that Democrats, Liberals, Socialists and their ilk in Oregon are free to associate with anyone they want - not only because the Constitution says they can, but also because there is no one to hold them accountable for inappropriate associations.

Who will fire Brent Foster over his association with eco-terrorists? Kulongoski? The Board of Columbia Riverkeepers?

Who will tell the general public about the association of Columbia Riverkeepers with eco-terrorists? The Oregonian? Portland TV stations?

There is no one - NO ONE - to hold these folks accountable for their associations (or illegal activity for that matter) because all the people in a position to do so AGREE WITH THE POLITICAL GOALS OF BRENT FOSTER AND COLUMBIA RIVERKEEPERS. These folks are all doing the work that Kulongoski would be doing if he wasn't so busy raising taxes.

As Al Gore might say "there is no controlling legal authority" in Oregon and I'm surprised that you're surprised.

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